Let’s talk about democracy in Ecuador

During this past months the students of 1 BGU have learned about the history and evolution of the concept of DEMOCRACY, going through it's origin in Athens to the present day context in our country. Giving the chance of talking about Democracy helps them getting...

Exploring the marvelous and complex human body

Our fourth graders are on their way to exploring the marvelous and complex human body 🩸💉 Come and learn from our little experts, who know all about the muscular system 🧬🤓 Click here to wach this video 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y-2DFxYCncy0Sk7H__QJLVXZrqMLA6eA/view?usp=sharing

La educación para el desarrollo del ser humano

Por: MSc. Diana Heredia/Directora de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Señora Rectora, Magíster Martha Chaves, estudiantes, agradecemos la invitación, estamos encantados de estar aquí. Esta mañana nos reunimos porque creemos profundamente en la importancia que tiene la educación para el desarrollo del ser humano. Cuando hablamos de educación...